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Roland Garros

On the occasion of Roland Garros, stay at the Hotel du Danube in the heart of Saint Germain des Prés.
Roland Garros

« Pégase et Icare » : a show by the Alexis Gruss circus

For the second consecutive year, the virtuoso esquire troop of famous circus Alexis Gruss is coming back to Paris for a unique show. This time, they are not alone but joined by the Compagnie des Farfadais, a troop of high-skilled aerialist acrobats. Gathering 40 horses and 20 acrobats for 2h30, « Pégase et Icare » is a grandiose show that the whole family will enjoy !
« Pégase et Icare » : a show by the Alexis Gruss circus

Nuit Blanche in Paris : Saturday October 4th, 2014

Next Saturday, October 4th of 2014 will be the thirteenth edition of the Nuit Blanche (litteraly « the alnighter ») ! Signed this year by José-Manuel Gonçalvès, director of the cultural center « le Centquatre » since 2010, the Nuit Blanche is an annual event that broadcasts Art in the museums, galleries and streets of the French capital. It hosts exhibitions and animations that last the whole evening, until midnight, two o'clock, and even until dawn for the more nocturnal or courageous of you.
Nuit Blanche in Paris : Saturday October 4th, 2014

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